Daisy Villa

You will want to make a decision about the neighborhood you will relocate to prior to even beginning your search for a new home. The decision of where to live can be impacted by a variety of factors, including demographics, the proximity of schools and other educational institutions, public transit, facilities, the local community, and more. If you are thinking of relocating to Daisy Villa in Pasadena, there are a few things you can do to determine whether or not this neighborhood is a suitable match for you.

In the city of Pasadena, California, you’ll find the neighborhood known as Daisy-Villa. It is bounded to the north by Orange Grove Boulevard, to the west by Sierra Madre Boulevard, to the east by Eaton Wash, and to the south by the 210 Freeway. There are around 350 residences in the residential area of Daisy-Villa, which is completely residential. The name of the neighborhood comes from the intersection of two streets that may be found in the middle of the community.

There are 711 people living in Daisy Villa, with 53% males and 47% females, and the median age is 42. 29.0% of the homes in this community are occupied by families with children, 17.0% of the homes are occupied by single-female families, 15.1% of the homes are occupied by single-male families, and 67.9% of the homes are occupied by couples. 2.76 people live in each home on average in Daisy Villa, while 3 people make up the typical Daisy Villa family.

The typical income for a household in Daisy Villa, Pasadena is $138,610, while the median income for an individual in the same neighborhood is $52,770. There are approximately 96% of inhabitants who have completed high school, 15.3% of residents have attended some kind of college but do not hold a degree, 6.4% of residents hold an associate degree, 37.1% of residents hold a bachelor’s degree, and 24.0% of residents have completed graduate school.

Single-Family Homes and Condominiums are only two examples of the several housing options available in the Daisy Villa neighborhood in Pasadena. The price of a property in the middle range is $979,702, The area has access to more parks than any other in Pasadena, including Gwinn Park, which is located in the neighborhood’s most northeastern corner. 

Residents may easily stroll to nearby Victory Park, as well as the adjacent Sunnyslope Park and Vina Vieja Park, which is home to Pasadena’s famed Alice’s Dog Park. Other local parks include Vina Vieja Park and Sunnyslope Park. Don Benito Elementary School, Norma Coombs Elementary School, Field Elementary School, Wilson Middle School, and Pasadena High School are the elementary, middle, and high schools that serve the Daisy-Villa neighborhood.

Historic Highlands
Pasadena Roofing Co